Let Us Help You Meet Your Goals

If you’re pregnant, a caregiver or a mom with a child under the age of 5, you can get the right personalized support for you and your family.

Let Us Help You Meet Your Goals

If you’re pregnant, a caregiver or a mom with a child under the age of 5, you can get the right personalized support for you and your family.

Be The Parent You Want To Be.

WIC provides nutrition education, nutritious foods, referrals to health and human services and breastfeeding support. Food benefits are issued for each client. Both fathers and mothers can receive and spend the benefits for their children.


Healthy Food

WIC Carrot Icon

Nutrition Education

Breastfeeding Support

WIC Heart Icon

Care Beyond WIC

WIC and Public Charge: Here Are The Facts

Do I Qualify For WIC?

WIC is available to Texas residents who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or postpartum, as well as to infants and children under the age of 5 who require assistance with their health or nutrition.

Strong healthy happy

These are a few ways we look to see if you qualify for WIC benefits:

– You meet the income guidelines

– You live in the State of Texas

– You have a nutritional need

We’re Here To Help

Two adorable girls of biracial ethnicities play with each other while standing in the waiting room of a doctor's office.

Find A Clinic

Texas WIC has clinics located in urban and rural communities. You can select the one that’s right for you. Click below to find your nearest clinic.

Customer chooses lemon in a neighborhood store

Find A Store

There are many WIC approved grocery stores across Texas. Not all grocery stores accept the WIC EBT cards. Click below to find your nearest WIC approved store.

Shot of an adorable baby playing

Find Resources

Explore resources available throughout served communities. Find what you need with a quick click below.